Cassava Genomic Informatics Post-Doctoral Associate

Cassava Genomic Informatics Post-Doctoral Associate


Cassava Genomic Informatics Post-Doctoral Associate

Institute of Biotechnology

Research and Innovation

Buckler Lab -

The Buckler Lab at Cornell University is hiring a Post-Doctoral Associate in cassava genomic informatics.

Cassava is a pivotal crop for global food security, nourishing nearly half a billion people across the tropics. Over the last decade, bolstered by national programs, the One CGIAR, and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, a leading public sector breeding campaign has been mobilized to enhance cassava's disease resistance, adaptability, yield, and quality. An extensive range of breeding and genomic resources for cassava and its wild relatives are now accessible. Our laboratory is on the lookout for an inventive postdoc to work at the forefront of a global initiative aimed at pinpointing causal genetic variants across the entire species for pivotal traits. Leveraging the strengths of AI and machine learning, our goal is to identify these causal variants and create tools that assist breeders in prioritizing and integrating this critical knowledge into their breeding and allele mining workflows.

The Buckler Lab with Cornell’s Institute for Genomic Diversity uses functional genomic approaches to dissect complex traits in grasses, cassava, and a wide range of other crops. We use the natural diversity of plant genomes to identify the individual DNA and protein changes and haplotypes responsible for complex trait (quantitative) variation. While we start with natural variation and learn from evolution, we leverage every high-tech, cutting-edge approach available to measure and understand diversity. We are conducting research on comparative genomics, chromatin structure, gene expression, protein levels, and metabolites. Our group integrates these data with a combination of computational biology, machine learning, and statistical approaches.

This position will translate, develop, and deploy genomics pipelines developed with model species to cassava and related species. The thoughtful integration of trait discovery and genomic selection can accelerate breeding efforts to increase the rate of genetic gain and create novel healthy, nutritious, and sustainable crops for many markets globally.

The Post-Doctoral Associate will need advanced bioinformatics skills (e.g., command line, Python, and R) to analyze large genomics datasets, adapt emerging genomics pipelines developed in maize to cassava, and deploy data to breeders across the world. This person will be responsible for collaborating on the development of genomic selection, AI pipelines, and trait discovery pipelines to advance cassava crop improvement for smallholder farmers. The incumbent will participate in weekly meetings and annual project meetings and lead workshops to train international researchers at the One CGIAR and National Agricultural Research Institutes (NARIs).

The Ithaca-based Post-Doctoral Associate will be a highly visible person central to the success of global genomic breeding and Buckler Lab international crop improvement efforts. Through research funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and the One CGIAR the Buckler Lab integrates a team of breeders (global) with a software development team (based in Ithaca).

Key Responsibilities:

  • Implement genomic data processing pipelines to optimize imputation accuracy, augment haplotypes with functional annotation, identify causal variants, and collaborate on development of new genomic selection pipelines.
  • Coordinate with breeders in Africa and the Americas to understand their breeding objectives, analysis needs, and manage project deliverables.
  • Work one of one with cassava geneticists and/or conduct workshops to train scientists to independently conduct their needed analyses.
  • In collaboration with team members and breeders, design and help execute evaluation experiments and follow-up analyses.
  • Lead high profile publications.

This position is an initial one-year appointment, with the expectation of at least a second year renewal contingent on continued funding and successful performance.

Qualifications and Education Requirements

* A PhD in the field of genomics, evolution, population genetics, molecular breeding, plant or animal genetics, biological informatics, quantitative genetics, or related field.

*This person will be recruited based on core competency in several different areas, including high throughput genotyping, evolutionary genomics, short-read sequence data, long-read assembly, pangenomes, sample tracking, bioinformatics, and project management.

Preferred Skills

* Experience with genetics or genomics.

* Experience with command line, Python, and R.

* Demonstrated ability to work respectfully and effectively with diverse teams.

* Meticulous documentation for reproducible data science.

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  • Comprehensive health care options, generous retirement contributions, access to wellness programs, employee discounts with local and national retail brands, and more.
  • Our leave provisions include three weeks of vacation and 13 holidays: Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, Memorial Day, Juneteenth, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving and the day after, and an end of the year winter break from December 25-January 1.

To apply for this opportunity, please send cover letter and CV to Sara Miller at


Pay Range:

$56,484.00 - $80,000.00

Pay Ranges:

The hiring rate of pay for the successful candidate will be determined considering the following criteria:

  • Prior relevant work or industry experience.
  • Education level to the extent education is relevant to the position.
  • Academic Discipline (faculty pay ranges reflects 9-month annual salary)
  • Unique applicable skills.

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Employment Assistance:

For general questions about the position or the application process, please contact the Recruiter listed in the job posting or email

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Applicants that do not have internet access are encouraged to visit your local library, or local Department of Labor. You may also request an appointment to use a dedicated workstation in the Office of Talent Attraction and Recruitment, at the Ithaca campus, by emailing

Notice to Applicants:

Please read the required Notice to Applicants statement by clicking here. This notice contains important information about applying for a position at Cornell as well as some of your rights and responsibilities as an applicant.

EEO Statement:

Diversity and Inclusion are a part of Cornell University’s heritage. We are a recognized employer and educator valuing AA/EEO, and we do not tolerate discrimination based on any protected characteristic, including race, ethnic or national origin, citizenship and immigration status, color, sex/gender, pregnancy or pregnancy-related conditions, age, creed, religion, actual or perceived disability (including persons associated with such a person), arrest and/or conviction record, military or veteran status, sexual orientation, gender expression and/or identity, an individual’s genetic information, domestic violence victim status, familial status, marital status, or any other characteristic protected by applicable federal, state, or local law. We also recognize a lawful preference in employment practices for Native Americans living on or near Indian reservations in accordance with applicable law. 

Cornell University embraces diversity and seeks candidates who will contribute to a climate that supports students, faculty, and staff to all identities and backgrounds. We encourage individuals from underrepresented and/or marginalized identities to apply.


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Cornell University is an innovative Ivy League university and a great place to work. Our inclusive community of scholars, students and staff impart an uncommon sense of larger purpose and contribute creative ideas to further the university's mission of teaching, discovery and engagement. With our main campus located in Ithaca, NY, Cornell's far-flung global presence includes the medical college's campuses on the Upper East Side of Manhattan and Doha, Qatar, as well as the Cornell Tech campus located on Roosevelt Island in the heart of New York City.

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